Spread the pesto on one piece of bread and then top with a slice of fresh mozzarella. Add tomato, artichoke hearts, avocado and spinach. Top with another slice of mozzarella and then the second piece of bread.
Butter the outside of both pieces of bread and then toast on a warm griddle until the cheese is melted and the bread is browned.
{serving size = 1 sandwich - recipe makes 1 serving}
400 calories, 23g fat, 10.5g fiber, 16.4g protein
*Actual nutrition info may vary based on exact ingredients used. Find this recipe on MyFitnessPal as FG8 Ultimate Gourmet Grilled Cheese Sandwich.
Recipe by Feel Great in 8 Blog at http://blog.feelgreatin8.com/the-ultimate-gourmet-grilled-cheese-sandwich/