I set a goal to post more often here on the blog and want to know what kind of posts you would like to see and what will help you the most. What would you find the most beneficial? Recipes Unprocessed/Real Food Tips Exercise Tips At Home Exercise Routines Mental/Spiritual Health Tips Weekly Meal Plans…
October Unprocessed Challenge!
Andrew Wilder, from the blog eatingrules.com is recruiting people to join him in committing to no unprocessed foods in October! (Or, as close to it as you can come 🙂 I signed the pledge! Committing to 30 days last month was life-changing. You should try it. I promise you won’t regret it. So…who’s with me?…
Homemade Granola
I’m going to do a post all about breakfast soon. I’ve been SO frustrated reading labels and trying to avoid processed ingredients and tons of sugar in quick breakfast options. The other day I looked carefully at the ingredient list on my Bran Flakes for the first time and discovered high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated…
Where do we go from here?
We did it! 30 days without animal products, white flour or white sugar. Go us! 🙂 It wasn’t easy, but it really wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be either. I highly recommend you give it a try. Even just for a week or 10 days. It was extremely eye opening. So, now…
Bountiful Baskets
I wanted to share with you a fantastic and affordable way to stock your home with healthy and delicious produce. For the past 8 months I’ve been ordering from Bountiful Baskets, a “non-profit food co-op for families that want to have more fresh produce for less money.” You order a basket on Monday and…
Stick-With-You Breakfast Smoothies
SMOOTHIES! Adam and I both start most mornings with a smoothie. To me, it feels like starting the day with dessert. Who wouldn’t want to do that? And, since we started adding oatmeal and peanut butter to most of our smoothies they are filling enough to stick with you until lunch. I’ll share a few…
Total Diet Overhaul
In general I believe that small changes are what make a big difference in our health…drinking more water and less soda, walking a little more, or adding a few more servings of vegetables. I still usually pick just one focus at a time when working on improving myself in any way, but at this point…
The Challenge Works!
I just got the greatest email from Lauren who participated in the last challenge! She include a “before” photo of her at the beginning of the challenge, and an “after” photo of her at the end of week six. She even gave me permission to share them with you. Here are the photos and what…
Spinach Smoothies
If you haven’t tried this one yet, you must! I know…sounds disgusting…but it really is surprisingly good! Even my picky husband and kids ask for this one!! Plus, you can’t beat spinach for breakfast! One veggie already out of the way! 🙂 And, it really doesn’t taste like spinach…I promise! Baby Spinach Stacked to the…
Tips & Questions
I have had a few good tips on tracking your calories! I didn’t realize the one I recommended cost money – here is one that is free! http://www.FitDay.com/ There is also an application for ipod/iphone called “Lose It” that Adam is going to use to track his calories. Or, you can just do it my…