UPDATE: As of December 2014 the referral rewards program has been replaced with an even better affiliate program!! It is an \ easier way to share Feel Great in 8 with your family and friends and earn cash {not just a reduced entry fee!}. You can read more details here – http://blog.feelgreatin8.com/feel-great-8-affiliate-program/
I absolutely {love} hosting challenges, I {love} being a part of your healthy goals, & I {love} watching the challenge grow! It really does mean the world to me when I hear that you are loving the challenge enough to share it with your friends and family!
I have the greatest readers and participants in the world, so I wanted to come up with a way to reward you for all your help in spreading the word about the Feel Great in 8 Challenge! With that in mind, I am excited to announce…
Drum roll please….
All you have to do is share the challenge with your friends and family and say, “Tell Tiffany I sent you!” 🙂
Okay, you don’t really have to say that cheesy exact line, just have your friends and family list you as a referral when you sign up and you’ll get $2 off your entry fee!
That’s right – $2 off your entry fee for EVERY person who lists you as a referral when they register for the challenge!
Now for the details…
* Referral Rewards money given out will not affect the prize money pot. No matter how many friends you refer, $10 will still be added to the prize money pot when you join.
* Referral Rewards are for currant participants only. In other words, you have to be participating in the challenge now, or be starting the challenge with your friends in order to receive the referral rewards.
* Your entry fee will be billed and paid in full as usual. Any Referral Rewards money earned will be refunded at the end of the first week of the challenge.
* Once your entire entry fee is refunded, no more Referral Rewards money can be earned.
I would like to join the next challenge
I’d love to have you join in! Send me an email at tiffany@feelgreatin8.com and I’ll get you added!