I want you to close you eyes for a minute and image you are sitting next to a girl or woman that you love very much. Maybe it’s your mom, sister, aunt, daughter, or best friend.
Okay, now that you are imagining her sitting next to you, I want you to image that she asks you to tell her what you think of her. You’d list all her great qualities, the things she is good at, the things she does that make you smile, the reasons she is special, and even all the things that make her beautiful inside and out.
Now, hold onto that thought and list the last 10 thoughts you had about yourself. I’ll wait… 🙂
Imagine you’re back sitting with that girl you love and saying those 10 things to her. How would they make her feel? Would they be things that you would ever say to her in real life?
So here’s the question…why do we talk to ourselves the way we do? Why are we so hurtful to ourselves?
You are every bit as beautiful, special, talented and brave as that girl you were imagining. You deserve to be told those things, just like she does. You deserve to be loved and treated with kindness like she does. You are imperfect, but so is she. Those imperfections make you who you are.
So, today I want you to try a little harder to speak to yourself like you would to someone you love. To focus on your great qualities, point out your talents, and even list the things that make you beautiful. You deserve it.
XOXO, Tiffany

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