I am definitely NOT super tech savvy and I’m guessing many of you aren’t either, so I often worry that the technical/computery (that’s a word, right?) parts of the challenge are tricky to use.
I wanted to do a quick tutorial on using the online point tracker so that you don’t have to waste any valuable time figuring it out. It the video below I walk you through using it and all the tips and tricks I could think of. Hopefully it’ll make the process super simple!
You have a few options when it comes to using the tracker.
1) You can print it out on the “Challenge Info” page of the website, keep track manually, and then enter the points online at the end of each week, or…
2) You can login and enter the info directly into the online point tracker each day.
I like to print mine out and hang it on the fridge as a constant reminder of my goals, then enter the totals at the end of the week, but you are welcome to do whatever works best for you. 🙂
* Exercise points and sleep points can be entered on any 5 days of the week, but they can only be entered 5 times each week. The tracker should automatically lock these sections when you have reached that 5 day maximum.
* Family Time and Service are the same way. They can be done and entered on any day, but only once a week. After you have entered those points once, the tracker should not allow you to enter them again until the following week.
* The maximum weekly total is 1675 points. If you enter more than this total, the system should pop up a warning message. Please go back and find your extra point error.
* If the tracker isn’t working correctly, you may need to download a new internet browser or the latest version of yours. You can download the latest version of Chrome for free.
I hope this helps and isn’t too confusing! Let me know if you are still having a hard time and I am more than willing to help you through it! 🙂
Thanks for explaining it! Whoohoo to the first week!
Good things to know, thanks for posting!
I’m pretty sure you can still add in extra exercise and sleep days without it cutting you off like it does on the service and family days.
When you are using the tracker on certain browsers it does still let you add those extra points, so until my programmer is able to get that glitch fixed I’m trusting that people will only count the 5 days allowed. 🙂
So, I tried entering some of my points for the first day, but I don’t see anywhere to save them and when I leave the page they are not there when I go back to it.
Penny, try logging out and then back in again. Occasionally a glitch makes it look like they aren’t there, even though they really are. My programmers are trying to get that fixed, but can’t seem to track it down. If that still doesn’t work, email me and I will look into the problem!