When I started hosting Feel Great in 8 Challenges 7 years ago it started with just me and my friends. We saw each other at least weekly, helped each other fight temptations at gatherings, and noticed each others healthy choices. I think there were 15 of us.
I absolutely love that the challenge has grown and is still growing. I love getting to know so many of you that I never would have. The time I spend working with you and hosting these challenges is such an uplifting and positive part of my life.
I also worry. I worry about growing while still holding onto the things that make the challenge great. And, really, the things that make the challenge great aren’t things. They are people. It’s you, all of you. Interacting, supporting each other, and working toward a healthier lifestyle together. Just like my friends and I did.
So, I want to make it clear that I TRUST you. We are all TRUSTING each other. Integrity is a huge part of this challenge. If you aren’t honest in earning and reporting your points, it isn’t fair to those who are working so hard to honestly earn each and every last one of theirs.
I also want to make it clear that I will do my best to protect those of you who are participating with integrity. So…
* I reserve the right to disqualify any participant (without refund) who I feel is not reporting points honestly.
*I reserve the right to require proof of honest participation from any participant at any time. This may include, but is not limited to, before and after photos, references, or interviews.
Just be honest. A little bit of cash isn’t worth losing your integrity, and if you aren’t honest about earning those points you’ll be missing out on all the fantastic healthy benefits and on feeling great in the end!
The end. 🙂

I’m looking forward to this challenge. Programs like this really help motivate me and I desperately need something after a long, cold, hard winter. I will be honest with my points and hope I can learn all the steps to to be successful.
Sorry about that Shauna! You didn’t do anything wrong, it just means that your comments have to be approved by me before they show up. It helps me avoid spam and inappropriate comments. 🙂
Thanks Shauna! Let me know if I can do anything to help!
Excited to give this a try! Thank You. Heading to take a before picture.
I am so appreciative of the program and it’s holistic focus. Starting strong! Good luck everyone.. Especially my gals in Pa!
Fantastic Diane! Good luck to you too!
Super excited!!
Thank you for writing this! I know I will be working VERY hard each day for every point I earn, and it makes me so happy that you value integrity so much!! 🙂
You are amazing for hosting these challenges. Thank you. I recently went to a youth meeting with my church and the speaker said, “you must see yourself for who you really are before you can make the change into who you really want to be!” This is my mantra and I will use integrity in this challenge to show who I am and to become who I want to be!
Tiffany , We are on board. We will do our best to report honestly. Pictures here we come . 🙂
I am really looking forward to this challenge. I love being accountable and having a way to record it. Having the support from others is always a positive experience.
I’m so glad you are excited Gaye! I am excited to have you participating. I can already tell you are going to be a wonderful and uplifting part of the group! 🙂
Thanks! I am super excited and have started counting points. I have never been a calorie counter so this is exciting & intimidating. This morning on my very first meal I thought I would cut my pnut butter in half to save calories, but then looked it up and realized I would miss a protein point. I guess there will be lots of decisions on how to make the right choices. I look forward to this journey, & though it may be hard, I am excited to feel GREAT!
It definitely involves making a lot of those kind of decisions, but they get easier as you go. I hope you have a fantastic 8 weeks Erin!! 🙂
Sounds good to me! Lets get started 🙂
I hope you have a fantastic 8 weeks! 🙂
HELP!!!!!!!! I have gone to the new website and enrolled. but now when I try to log in it tells me my password is not valid. So I asked to change it, was sent a link and then changed it. Tried to log in again and still am told the password is not valid. What am I doing wrong????
I am so sorry Cathy!! Let me take a look and see what I can do and I will email you asap!
Excited to begin the challenge today and am happy to walk in integrity with the honor system. Praying for everyone who is participating to be successful.
So happy to have you participating Sherri!! 🙂
I am excited to be back!
I’m excited to have you back! 🙂
Love this article! I was thinking about this today and then it was our bonus points to read it so I’m glad I read it. Thanks!
I’m so glad Jessica! I hope you’re having a great first day! 🙂
Internet Information Services 7.5
Error Summary
HTTP Error 405.0 – Method Not Allowed
The page you are looking for cannot be displayed because an invalid method (HTTP verb) is being used.
Detailed Error Information
Module DefaultDocumentModule
Notification ExecuteRequestHandler
Handler StaticFile
Error Code 0x80070001
Requested URL http://www.feelgreatin8.com:80/feelgreatblog
Physical Path E:\web\f\feelgreatin8challenge.com\www\feelgreatblog
Logon Method Anonymous
Logon User Anonymous
Most likely causes:
The request sent to the Web server used an HTTP verb that is not allowed by the module configured to handle the request.
A request was sent to the server that contained an invalid HTTP verb.
The request is for static content and contains an HTTP verb other than GET or HEAD.
A request was sent to a virtual directory using the HTTP verb POST and the default document is a static file that does not support HTTP verbs other than GET or HEAD.
Things you can try:
Verify the list of verbs enabled for the module handler this request was sent to, and ensure that this verb should be allowed for the Web site.
Check the IIS log file to see which verb is not allowed for the request.
Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click here.
Links and More Information
This error means that the request sent to the Web server contained an HTTP verb that is not allowed by the configured module handler for the request.
So sorry about that Ann! I just checked and you are subscribed, so you should get the weekly newsletter this afternoon. Let me know if you don’t!
First week went well. I noticed eating a variety of veggies and fruits kept the meals interesting and filling. I have always loved to exercise, so that was not a concern. I did notice at the end of the week clothes fitting better. I travel a lot and this week I was working out of my home office so easier to control food. On the road it will be more difficult. Thanks! Kurt
That is AWESOME Kurt!! Keep up the great work!!
Well said. I’m excited to start the challenge. I’ve been working on the weight side of things for a while but I haven’t been very balanced and I feel like this challenge will help me achieve better balance. Thanks for offering this Feel Great in 8 Challenge!
I am so happy to hear that Scott!! Hope you are loving the challenge so far!!
I’m excited to be doing this challenge with all of the F2D peeps! It seems like a fun way to shed some of my extra pounds ive been trying to get rid of. Cheers!
Happy to have you in the group!! Hope you are loving the challenge so far! 🙂
Love this!
Ahh Day one is almost over, what a struggle to get through it all. I know it will get easier! Thank you for such an amazing opportunity
It will get easier Mary, just don’t give up! And, know I am here to help in any way that I can! 🙂
I am so glad to start this new challenge. I know this works for me! Thanks for making it possible!!!
So happy to have you in the group Mary!!
Just finished (RE-reading) this post. (I’m a repeat fg8-er :)) I value your concept and approach. It FEELs so balanced to me, and makes me feel better about my whole life. I’m excited/anxious to start anew. I just returned from FIVE weeks away helping children with THREE new grand babies born this last month, plus the passing of my 96 year old father in law. It has been a busy, wonderful, bonding month, but also has contributed to a New Year of out of balance and way behind on my own life. Just spending the time here last night and this morning to get my self in order to focus on this is feeling just a bit stressful, but I know I must invest in myself up front to be available for others in the future. (I wouldn’t mind your prayers! 😉 )
Hi Becky!! So happy to have you back! Congrats on your new grand babies and on investing in yourself again! Remember to take it one choice at a time and don’t worry about doing it all at once. So many prayers and positive thoughts coming your way! <3
so excited for this. thanks
Of course Laura! So glad you’re in the group!