Are you ready to ditch dieting for good and work on a realistic healthy lifestyle? Ready to feel great physically, mentally, and spiritually?
Feel Great in 8 Challenge
May 5th – June 29th 2014!
What is Feel Great in 8?
The Feel Great in 8 Challenge is NOT a crazy crash diet, an expensive exercise program, or a costly meal delivery system. It IS a realistic healthy lifestyle, a fantastic support system, and the motivation you’ve been looking for to finally make healthy longterm changes!Feel Great in 8 is an eight week competition that challenges you to become healthier physically, mentally and spiritually. For eight weeks you gain and/or lose points based on healthy or unhealthy choices. Weekly points are reported to Tiffany (me! the challenge creator/host). Each participant contributes $20. $10 to the prize money “pot” and $10 for website creation/upkeep and to pay me for my time as host. At the end of the eight weeks, the competitors with the most points will get a share of the prize money!
I have been hosting these challenges for 6 years now. In the past, winners have gotten as much as $350, and the greatest 8 week weight loss so far was 36 pounds!
Email Tiffany {} to register!!
A few changes:
* I will be limiting group size to a maximum of 150, so email me asap so you don’t get left out!
* You will not be registered until I have received your cleared payment. Pay quickly so your spot will be reserved.
* Participants will no longer be reporting weight loss and there will not be a prize for greatest weight loss. Learn why {here}.
* Participants will no longer be reporting weight loss and there will not be a prize for greatest weight loss. Learn why {here}.
Help me spread the word by sharing the challenge with your friends and you could join for FREE!
I want to join your challenge. I just sent you an email. I am so excited. Living in the Midwest has done devastating thing to my poor body, not to mention passing that 40 year mark (about 6 years ago) and working nights. I need some motivation!!! This is exciting!
I’m excited to have you join in Jamie!! 🙂