I’ve mentioned before that pizza nights are a common occurrence at our house. We all love pizza and you know I am a firm believer in eating and enjoying the foods you love as part of a healthy diet, so this healthy family pizza night is perfect! I put out bowls with all kinds of…
September 2014 Feel Great in 8 – Register Now!
I really do love summer time with all the fun actives and vacations and the relaxed days, but I also secretly look forward to getting back into a routine when school starts again. I love my kids, but a mom also needs a few minutes of quiet. 🙂 I also love the fact that back…
Bosch {+Baking Supplies} Giveaway!!
A few months ago I shared a list of my Favorite Healthy Things that included a bunch of fun kitchen gadgets. I am a big fan of anything that makes cooking for my family easier and more fun. And, of course I love getting fun new kitchen supplies! I also love my feel great in…
Healthy Dark Chocolate Fudge Tarts
You’ll never believe that these incredibly delicious Dark Chocolate Fudge Tarts are refined sugar free, gluten free, and no bake! Hello! I’m so happy you are here for the recipe for these delicious dark chocolate fudge tarts! Before I give you this recipe though, I wanted to offer you I collected 10 of my favorite…
What I Ate Wednesday 8/6/14
This poor What I Ate Wednesday post is a few weeks old now. It is from the week of my little guys Gourmet Grilled Cheese Party. Remember how I said I had my favorite grilled cheese sandwich pretty much every day for the rest of the week? I wasn’t kidding. 🙂 5am Pre-Workout Snack: Shakeology…
Peaches & Cream Crepes
I’ve mentioned before how much I love, love, love {breakfast foods}. Waffles, pancakes, crepes, omelets…you name it and I love it! These Peaches & Cream Crepes are SO yummy and in my book they can be breakfast, dinner, or even dessert. Or, hey, have them for an afternoon snack! They are whole wheat and filled…
Healthy Chocolate Swirl Banana Muffins
I’ve come to terms with the fact that I can’t go a day without chocolate. I remember learning about a hierarchy of needs in college and I’m pretty sure dark chocolate would go in the basic needs category for me. You know, right there with breathing, food, water, and shelter. It’s all good though, because…
Mini Chocolate Cheesecakes w/Dark Chocolate-Almond Crust
I just found out that today is Cheesecake Day! Your social media feeds are going to be filled with all kinds of temping and unhealthy desserts, so I’m coming to the rescue for those of you looking for a healthy option to celebrate and kill that cheesecake craving! You aren’t going to believe how easy…
August 2014 Feel Great in 8 – Register Now!
The August round of the Feel Great in 8 Challenge starts next Monday, August 4th!! Follow {these} instructions to register now at www.feelgreatin8.com! What is Feel Great in 8? The Feel Great in 8 Challenge is NOT a crazy crash diet, an expensive exercise program, or a costly meal delivery system. It IS a realistic…
Show off the healthy choices that make you feel great on #FeelGreatFriday!
I absolutely LOVE sharing days on the {Feel Great in 8 Facebook group page} and I LOVE getting emails from challenge participants sharing their successes! When you share I am inspired to keep working on my healthy goals, and I know it inspires others too. So, I’ve decided to officially declare every Friday healthy sharing…